
The Takino Filter

Takino Filters are non-woven “growing mats” that feature a random arrangement of water-repellent, ultrafine fibers similar to the capillary roots on plants. With a porosity of as much as 98%, the fabric structure allows air and water to pass through freely. The mats protect the soil from weather and environmental conditions including rain, wind, frost heaving, drought and more.

Takino Filter growing mats are engineered to provide protection against soil erosion and eliminate root swelling in species that germinate and grow quickly, such as Western lawn species. In Japan, this makes greening possible using mainly slow-growth native species and woody plant systems.

Benefits of Takino Filter Growing Mats

  • Prevents slope and soil erosion caused by heavy rainfall.
  • Protects soil from drought through radiative cooling which allows absorption of night dew.
  • Prevents freezing and frost collapse in cold weather due to the thermal effect of the mats covering the ground.
  • Prevents blown sand in areas with strong winds due to the mats covering the ground.
  • When applied to river embankments and dammed reservoirs, protects revetments and induces greening of waterfront areas.
  • Contributes to greening in denuded terrain difficult to reforest, through introduction of mycorrhizal fungi in soil microorganisms.


Induces greening while preventing soil erosion, especially in areas where weather and environmental conditions are severe and soil erosion is a persistent problem. Is applicable to areas where soil has good particle size distribution and good physical and chemical properties, with soil hardness of 23mm or less.

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