
The Future of Greening Replenishes the Soil in a Reliable Way

Takino Filters cover and preserve slopes by preventing soil erosion and resulting loss of nutrients, and also protects the ground surface against extreme weather conditions and other stresses to restore the natural habitat with vegetation. Durable and grounded in the way nature works, they restore the natural harmony and balance of the ecosystem.


The Takino Filter Growing Mats Secure the Soil

At its core, the Takino Filter growing mat features a non-woven fabric with randomly placed, water resistant vegetation components resembling superfine hair fibers. The web shaped mats have a porosity of 97-98% which foster free flow of air and water, making them suitable for safeguarding fertile ground and transformation of all types of environments.


Takino Filter growing mats have erosion control capabilities built in, to provide for fast sprouting and growth of grassy areas, whether new or indigenous species of plants and trees, to allow for greening in harmony with the natural environment.


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